Skunkware 5
Skunkware 5.iso
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300 lines
/* Copyright (c) 1987, 1988 Stanley T. Shebs, University of Utah. */
/* This program may be used, copied, modified, and redistributed freely */
/* for noncommercial purposes, so long as this notice remains intact. */
#pragma comment(exestr, "@(#) ginit.c 12.1 95/05/09 ")
/* RCS $Header: ginit.c,v 1.2 88/07/15 14:56:16 shebs Exp $ */
/* Initialization and random routines for the display part of xconq. */
#include "config.h"
#include "misc.h"
#include "dir.h"
#include "period.h"
#include "side.h"
#include "unit.h"
#include "map.h"
#include "global.h"
/* Always use four lines for the unit info display, even on small screens. */
#define INFOLINES 4
int maxnamelen = 0; /* length of longest side name+host */
/* Find a unit and put it at center (or close to it) of first view. I guess */
/* can't use put_on_screen because not enough stuff is inited yet. */
Side *side;
Unit *unit;
for_all_units(unit) {
if (unit->side == side) {
side->cx = unit->x; side->cy = unit->y;
side->vcx = unit->x;
side->vcy = max(unit->y, side->vw2+1);
side->vcy = min(side->vcy, (world.height-1) - side->vh2);
side->vcx = side->vw2; side->vcy = side->vh2;
side->cx = side->vcx; side->cy = side->vcy;
/* The very first step in using X is to open up all the desired displays. */
/* In our case, there are many displays each with many windows. If the */
/* display opens successfully, do an initial "redraw" to set the screen up. */
int len;
Side *side;
for_all_sides(side) {
len = 8 + strlen(side->name) + 1;
maxnamelen = max(maxnamelen,
len + (side->host ? strlen(side->host) + 3 : 0));
for_all_sides(side) {
if (side->host != NULL) {
if (active_display(side)) {
/* Open display, create all the windows we'll need, do misc setup things, */
/* and initialize some globals to out-of-range values for recognition later. */
Side *side;
int i;
if (Debug) printf("Will try to open display \"%s\" ...\n", side->host);
if (!open_display(side)) {
fprintf(stderr, "Display \"%s\" could not be opened!\n", side->host);
active_display(side); /* done for side effect */
side->msg =
create_window(side, 0, 0,
side->lw, side->nh * side->fh, NULL);
side->info =
create_window(side, 0, side->nh * side->fh + side->bd,
side->lw, INFOLINES * side->fh, NULL);
side->prompt =
create_window(side, 0, (side->nh + INFOLINES) * side->fh + 2*side->bd,
side->lw, side->fh, NULL);
side->map =
create_window(side, 0, side->th,
side->vw * side->hw,
side->vh * side->hch + (side->hh - side->hch),
side->split ? "xconq-map" : (char *) NULL);
side->sides =
create_window(side, side->lw + side->bd + 1, 0,
side->sw * side->fw, numsides * side->fh, NULL);
side->timemode =
create_window(side, side->lw + side->fw, side->th - 4 * side->fh,
2 * side->margin + 8 * side->fw, 2 * side->fh, NULL);
side->clock =
create_window(side, side->lw + 13 * side->fw, side->th - 2 * side->fh,
8 * side->fw, side->fh, NULL);
side->state =
create_window(side, side->lw + 1, side->th,
22 * side->fw, period.numutypes*max(side->hh, side->fh),
side->split ? "xconq-state" : (char *) NULL);
if (world_display(side)) {
side->world =
side->lw+side->bd, side->mh-side->mm*world.height,
world.width * side->mm, world.height * side->mm,
side->split ? "xconq-world" : (char *) NULL);
for (i = 0; i < MAXNOTES; ++i) strcpy(side->noticebuf[i], " ");
for (i = 0; i < MAXUTYPES; ++i) side->bvec[i] = 0;
/* Flag some values as uninitialized */
side->vcx = side->vcy = -1;
side->lastvcx = side->lastvcy = -1;
side->lastx = side->lasty = -1;
if (Debug) printf("Successfully opened \"%s\"!\n", side->host);
/* Decide/compute all the sizes of things. Our main problem here is that */
/* the display might be smaller than we really desire, so things have to */
/* be adjusted to fit. */
Side *side;
int alw, abh;
alw = (3 * display_width(side)) / 4;
if (side->vw == 0)
side->vw = min(world.width, alw / side->hw);
side->nw = min(BUFSIZE, alw / side->fw);
side->sw = maxnamelen;
abh = (2 * display_height(side)) / 3;
if (side->vh == 0)
side->vh = min(world.height, abh / side->hch);
if (side->nh == 0)
side->nh = max(1, min(abh/2 - 5, MAXNOTES));
side->mm = min(5, (max(world.width, side->fw*side->sw) / world.width));
if (side->vw < MINWIDTH || side->vh < MINHEIGHT) {
fprintf(stderr, "Display \"%s\" is too small!\n", side->host);
/* This fn is a "ten-line horror"; effectively a mini tiled window manager */
/* that keeps the subwindows from overlapping no matter what the display and */
/* requested sizes are. Siemens eat your heart out... */
Side *side;
int ulhgt, llhgt, urhgt, lrhgt;
/* Make sure map window dimensions are OK */
side->vw = min(world.width, side->vw);
side->vh = min(world.height, side->vh);
side->vw2 = side->vw / 2; side->vh2 = side->vh / 2;
/* Compute subregion sizes (left/right upper/lower width/height) */
if (side->split) {
side->lw = side->nw * side->fw;
side->rw = side->sw * side->fw;
lrhgt = 0;
llhgt = side->hh - side->hch;
else {
side->lw = max(side->nw * side->fw, side->hw * side->vw);
side->rw = max((world_display(side) ? world.width * side->mm : 0),
side->sw * side->fw);
lrhgt = period.numutypes * max(side->hh, side->fh);
if (world_display(side)) lrhgt += side->mm * world.height + side->bd;
llhgt = side->hch * side->vh + (side->hh - side->hch);
if (lrhgt > llhgt) {
side->vh = ((lrhgt - side->hh + side->hch) / side->hch);
side->vh = min(side->vh, world.height);
side->vh2 = side->vh / 2;
llhgt = side->hch * side->vh + (side->hh - side->hch);
urhgt = (numsides + 4) * side->fh + side->bd;
ulhgt = side->fh * (side->nh + INFOLINES + 1) + 3 * side->bd;
side->bh = max(llhgt, lrhgt);
/* adjust nh if screen is too small */
if ((side->bh + llhgt) >= display_height(side)) {
side->nh = (display_height(side) - side->bh - 3 * side->bd -
side->fh * (INFOLINES + 1) ) / side->fh;
side->nh = max(3, side->nh);
side->nh = min(MAXNOTES, side->nh);
ulhgt = side->fh * (side->nh + INFOLINES + 1) + 3 * side->bd;
side->th = max(ulhgt, urhgt);
side->mw = side->lw + side->bd + side->rw;
side->mh = side->th + side->bd + side->bh;
/* Only vcy needs adjustment, since vcx can never be close to an edge */
side->vcy = min(max(side->vh2, side->vcy), (world.height-1)-side->vh2);
/* Acquire a set of colors. There are too many to make it feasible to */
/* customize them via .Xdefaults, so we don't even try. If there aren't */
/* enough colors, drop into monochrome mode. This doesn't take the window */
/* manager into account - it may have grabbed some color space. */
Side *side;
if (Debug) printf("%d colors available ...\n", display_colors(side));
side->monochrome = (display_colors(side) <= 2);
side->bonw = (side->monochrome ? BLACKONWHITE : FALSE);
/* This will set up the correct set of colors at any point in the game. */
/* Note that terrain colors get NO value if in monochrome mode. */
/* If the colors requested are not available, it is up to the graphics */
/* interface to supply a substitute. */
Side *side;
int t;
long fg, bg;
fg = (side->bonw ? black_color(side) : white_color(side));
bg = (side->bonw ? white_color(side) : black_color(side));
side->bgcolor = side->owncolor = side->altcolor = side->diffcolor = bg;
side->fgcolor = side->bdcolor = side->graycolor = side->enemycolor = fg;
side->neutcolor = side->goodcolor = side->badcolor = fg;
if (!side->monochrome) {
for_all_terrain_types(t) {
side->hexcolor[t] = request_color(side, ttypes[t].color);
side->owncolor = request_color(side, "black");
side->altcolor = request_color(side, "blue");
side->diffcolor = request_color(side, "maroon");
side->bdcolor = request_color(side, "blue");
side->graycolor = request_color(side, "light gray");
side->enemycolor = request_color(side, "red");
side->neutcolor = request_color(side, "light gray");
side->goodcolor = request_color(side, "green");
side->badcolor = request_color(side, "red");
/* Move windows and change their sizes to correspond with the new sizes of */
/* viewports, etc. */
Side *side;
int sy, sdy;
if (active_display(side)) {
sy = 0; sdy = side->nh * side->fh;
change_window(side, side->msg, 0, sy, side->lw, sdy);
sy += sdy + side->bd; sdy = INFOLINES * side->fh;
change_window(side, side->info, 0, sy, side->lw, sdy);
sy += sdy + side->bd; sdy = 1 * side->fh;
change_window(side, side->prompt, 0, sy, side->lw, sdy);
change_window(side, side->map, side->split ? -1 : 0, side->th,
side->vw * side->hw,
side->vh * side->hch + (side->hh - side->hch));
change_window(side, side->timemode,
side->lw + side->fw, side->th - 4 * side->fh, -1, -1);
change_window(side, side->sides, side->lw+1, 0, -1, -1);
change_window(side, side->state,
(side->split) ? -1 : side->lw + 1, side->th,
20 * side->fw, period.numutypes*max(side->hh, side->fh));
if (world_display(side)) {
change_window(side, side->world,
side->split ? -1 : side->lw + 1,
side->mh - world.height * side->mm,
world.width * side->mm, world.height * side->mm);
change_window(side, side->main, -1, -1, side->mw, side->mh);